procrastination prə(ʊ)ˌkrastɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/

noun the action of delaying or postponing something.

How simple an explanation for something that not only plagues, but actively hunts, me. According to my last post (never trust bloggers – they lie), I was supposed to have found the dictionary that shall become the main character of my online narrative by now. I haven’t gotten round to that yet.

I’ll do it tomorrow.

Of the many online resources that I have scoured for solutions to the ailment that is procrastination, this is the best one I’ve found. As any procrastinator will tell you it’s not our fault; it’s the monkey’s.

When I was in the final throes of writing up my dissertation, I found it strangely satisfying when I managed to wake up in the morning at 05:00, make myself a cup of coffee, and sit down to write. Although I was tired for the first half hour, I eventually experienced a superior sense of self-satisfaction. So much so, that I still secretly hold out the hope of waking up that early this  winter (I’ll let you know when I win that battle). This silly little example highlights a rarely acknowledged fact about procrastination: it provides us with the opportunity to persevere.

Maybe today you fell down the dark hole of avoiding your life. Maybe today the evil computer sucked all the time out of your day. Maybe today procrastination beat the snot out of you (and kicked you while you were down, the bastard). But there’s always tomorrow. When we make the mantra of procrastination – ‘I’ll do it tomorrow’ – the affirmation of perseverance, we empower ourselves to believe in possibility that tomorrow holds.

I’ll do it tomorrow!


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